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cantinho da casa

cantinho da casa

MCM - Top Album

Espreitando os canais portugueses, e como nada de interessante me agradasse, nem mesmo o jogo do "FeQuePe", dei uma volta pelos canais até que encontrei música, bem do meu agrado.

Sentei-me um pouco no sofá a ver o "Top Album", no MCM. Em 15º lugar passou esta linda e serena melodia.






Despertou-me a curiosidade ver algo sobre esta cantora, que sinceramente, não me lembro de ouvir passar na rádio.

Cantora e compositora de jazz , Americana de Filadélfia, 24 anos, teve as influências musicais de Janis Joplin, Duke Wellington, George Gershwin,  Caetano Veloso e outros, compôs e gravou algumas músicas, aos 19 anos quando estava enferma,por  atropelamento e  ter sofrido traumatismo craneano impedindo-a de caminhar.

Gostei da música e procurei a letra.

Just beautiful! 



How was I to know that this was always only just a little game to you?
All the time I felt you gave your heart
I thought that I would do the same for you,
Tell the truth I think I should have seen it coming from a mile away,
When the words you say are,
Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall in love
If I gave a thought to fascination I would know it wasn't right to care,
Logic doesn't seem to mind that I am fascinated by the love affair,
Still my heart would benefit from a little tenderness from time to time,
but never mind,
Cos Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall in love,
Baby I should hold on just a moment and be sure it's not for vanity,
Look me in the eye and tell me love is never based upon insanity,
Even when my heart is beating hurry up the moment's fleeting,
Kiss me now,
Don't ask me how,
Cos Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall,
Baby I'm a fool who thinks it's cool to fall,
And I would never tell if you became a fool and fell in Love.